How to Register for a Running Competition in Fulton County, Georgia

Learn how to register for a running competition in Fulton County, Georgia. Find out what type of permit is required, how much it will cost and how to promote your event.

How to Register for a Running Competition in Fulton County, Georgia

Are you looking to take part in a running competition in Fulton County, Georgia? If so, you'll need to be aware of the rules and regulations for registering for the event. According to Section 21-2-492 of the Georgia Electoral Code, the Mayor's Office of Special Events (MOSE) is responsible for granting permits for all outdoor events in the city of Atlanta. To decide which permit your event requires, you'll need to consider the type of event you're hosting and any additional permissions that may be necessary. Fulton County is the largest county in Georgia, stretching 72 miles from top to bottom and home to over one million Georgians.

It's no wonder that Fulton County is a popular destination for running competitions. Whether you're a local or visiting from out of town, here's what you need to know about registering for a running competition in Fulton County.

Step 1: Identify Your Event Type

The first step in registering for a running competition in Fulton County is to identify the type of event you're hosting. This will help you determine which permit your event requires, how much it will cost and if any sub-permissions are necessary. Depending on the type of event, you may need to obtain additional permits from other agencies such as the Department of Natural Resources or the Georgia Department of Transportation.

Step 2: Submit Your Application

Once you've identified your event type and obtained any necessary sub-permissions, you can submit your application to MOSE.

You'll need to provide detailed information about your event including the date, time and location. You'll also need to provide proof of insurance and a detailed description of your event.

Step 3: Pay Your Fees

Once your application has been approved, you'll need to pay any applicable fees. Fees vary depending on the type of event and can range from $25-$500. You can pay your fees online or by mail.

Step 4: Promote Your Event

Once your application has been approved and your fees have been paid, it's time to promote your event.

You can use traditional methods such as flyers and posters or take advantage of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. You can also reach out to local media outlets such as newspapers and radio stations. By following these steps, you can easily register for a running competition in Fulton County, Georgia. Be sure to check with MOSE for any updates or changes to the registration process.

Justine Brazan
Justine Brazan

Certified bacon nerd. Passionate twitter nerd. Award-winning food fan. General musicaholic. Infuriatingly humble pop culture ninja.

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